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Choosing Your Fish


The correct way to set up a new aquarium is to first research and decide what type of fish you would like to have in the aquarium.

To help narrow down your list of desirable fish, you need to consider all of the following questions about the potential candidates:






ž  How big is the fish going to get?

ž   If the fish gets large will it prey on or frighten smaller fish in the aquarium?

ž   Is the fish too small to fit in with the other fish in the aquarium?

ž   Is the fish territorial and will it require a large space of its own?

ž   Does the fish eat other fish? Many tropical fish do.

ž   Does it nip the fins of other fish?

ž   Is it aggressive or is it too shy and nervous to live with certain other species?

ž   Does it eat live plants?

ž   Does it dig in the bottom of the aquarium?

ž   What kind of water does it require (pH, hardness, temperature, etc.)?

ž   Is it available where you live?

ž   What does it cost?

ž   Is it raised domestically or taken out of the wild?

ž   Does this particular fish need to live in groups or prefer to live alone?

Once you have decided what fish you would like to have in your aquarium, then the rest of the decisions will fall into place much easier.

One of the most important steps to take is to build the aquarium around the chosen fish species, not the other way around. You will be much more successful and have healthier fish if you build your aquarium around the needs of the fish, rather than around your desire to have an attractive aquarium. If you create an aquarium where the needs of the individual fish in the aquarium are placed first, it will be both healthy and beautiful.

The type, size and location of the aquarium will be tailored to best suit the species of fish you choose. The filtering and heating choices will be based on the type of fish you choose. The plants, lighting, food source, and substrate choice will all be tailored to provide the healthiest and most natural environment for your fish species.

Some helpful resources

Tropical Fish Breed Summary

Fish Compatibility Table