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Fish Breed Summary Tropical Fish

- May be aggressive towards smaller fish, especially during breeding.
- Schooling fish
- Don’t keep with nippy fish due to their long fins
- Kept in large schools
- Can be nippy towards slower and long finned fish
Bettas (Male)
- Housed alone or sometimes with a bottom dweller fish
- Extreme caution required when housing with female bettas
- Can have fins ripped by sharp ornaments
Bettas (Female)
- Best kept in sororities with other female bettas and other slow, peaceful fish.
- Kept in large schools
- Fast swimming fish may distress other tank mates
- Good for beginners
- Best kept in large schools
- Most peaceful in ratios of one male to two females
- Livebearers
- Good for beginners
- Livebearers
- Hardy
- Good for beginners
- Livebearers
- Peaceful
- Hardy
- Good for beginners
- Kept in same species schools
- Livebearers Tetras
- Kept in large schools of same species
- Aggression varies between species
- Good for beginners
Rainbow Fish
- Kept in schools of same species
- Can be nippy towards slow, longfin fish
- Long fins may get nipped
- Best kept in pairs or schools
- Good for beginners
- Must be kept in same species schools
- Aggression varies between species
- Bottom dwellers
- Can be nippy
- Compatible with hardy and same sized fish
- Can be territorial towards same species
- Produce a lot of waste
- Can cut their mouth on sharp gravel and ornaments
- May eat live plants
- Require a large tank space
- Produce a lot of waste
- Aggressive towards smaller fish
- Compatible with similar sized cichlids
- Experienced owners
African Cichlids
- Aggressive towards other tankmates
- Schooling tankmates from same lake region 
- Cannot be kept with live plants
- Experienced owners
American Cichlids
- Can be aggressive towards other tankmates
- Kept with caution with other cichlids
- Experienced owners