Your pet store

Common infections and diseases

How to prevent any infections or diseases:

- Quarantine any new additions to your tank and clean all ornaments, and gravel before adding them into the tank.

- Maintain your tank with frequent water changes and algae scrubbing.

- Check the chemistry of your water with a testing kit weekly to ensure your parameters are all stable.

- Check your water temperature and if you have a tropical tank, that your heater is working.

- Feed high quality food, and do not over feed your fish. Do not feed more than what your fish can consume within 8 minutes.

- Observe the behaviour of your fish, and their tank mates.

Common Infections


- Cotton Mouth (Columnaris)

Fin Rot

- Velvet (Oodinium)

- Dropsy

- Hole in the Head

- White Spot/Ich

Ammonia Poisoning

- Pop Eye

- Swim Bladder Disorder

- Ulcers

- Slime Disease